Welcome to Department of Biochemistry
The Philosophy of the undergraduate programme in Biochemistry is designed to provide a sound and all-rounded education in the basic science of biochemistry up to bachelor’s degree level. anchored on the unbiased and systematic observations, accurate documentation and interpretation of facts and phenomena toward expanding the frontiers of knowledge in diverse areas of biochemical research while helping to advance solutions to societal challenges. The students would be exposed to sound and cutting-edge research-based education that could enhance their intellectual capacity in Biochemistry as well as in their chosen areas of specialization through in-depth training in theoretical knowledge and practical skills. We aim to passionately train our students to be smart graduate entrepreneurial and innovative thinkers capable of developing the next great idea in order to create opportunities for others.
Biochemistry started as a programme under the Department of Biological Sciences in the then College of Sciences and Engineering. It is one of the foundation programmes of Landmark University, Omu-Aran that was launched in March 2011. The programme started with a student enrollment of 24 and five members of faculty. From that humble beginning, the programme has metamorphosized into an autonomous unit and a full-fledge department with a team of resourceful and dedicated academic and non-academic staff on ground.
Biochemistry is the bedrock of the Medical Sciences and the foundation from which Biomolecular Sciences derive their basic ideas and techniques in the service of mankind and humanity. It is the basis of the biotechnology industry while the new and exciting disciplines of proteomics, genomics, bioinformatics, genetic engineering, and drug design all rely on the knowledge of and competency in biochemical researches.
The Department of Biochemistry offers opportunities for study leading to bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees.